Category Archives: First Responders

It’s finally here!

I am delighted to announce that my first novel, The Price, is now available on Amazon!

The Price uses storytelling to demonstrate the intersectionality of several issues such as trauma, domestic violence, substance use, sexual violence, suicide, and grief while also providing paths of hope and healing. It was designed specifically to bring to life the lessons of psychology courses that can help clinicians, peer supporters, family, and friends understand how suicide comes to be an option: the risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors. It also demonstrates the complexity of grief from multiple perspectives and experiences. This book combines a Master’s program, 10 years experience in the mental health and suicide prevention field, and the experiences of a suicide loss survivor wrapped into one gripping novel.

I have tried to put all that I have learned about life and death into a work that will help people understand how one of the greatest tragedies – suicide – comes to happen and the incredible complexity and impact that it has.

My goal is to leave the reader not with despair and sadness, but with hope and inspiration.

Here are some quotes from forewords and Testimonials:

“In this exquisite and poignantly written story, we walk beside those left behind in the wake of suicide. Day by day, minute by minute we experience many points of view – and varying slices of truth – from the survivors. Their truths are not easy, and this book may be difficult to read for many, but the different perspectives validate the complexity of our suicide grief experiences and why healing from suicide is often so tangled and formidable.”

Sally Spencer-Thomas, United Survivors

“After reading “The Price” I could not stop thinking about. I thought about it for days and wondered why was I so invested in the story. I know the subject matter is near and dear to my heart but there was something more happening. After several days it became clear to me that the characters and what they were dealing with was the answer. Each character touched me in a different way and it was them that I continued to think about. It felt like I knew them all. To bring these characters to life the way Sarah did and have the reader truly care about them is a gift.”

Deborah Louis Ortiz, Code9Project

“There is no greater reading delight than a wonderful debut novel. It’s often an amazing work of fiction, that has been trapped in the mind of the author demanding to be released to the page, and “The Price” by Sarah W. Gaer is no exception. It grabs the reader by the lapels and refuses to let them go until the final period. It had best seller written all over (and through) it. Enjoy.”

Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker & Trainer

I am a brand new author and have worked very hard to make sure I provide you with an excellent product, but I am human. If you have questions or find mistakes, please feel free to reach out to me so that I can answer your concerns and correct any errors.

Sincerely and with gratitude,

Sarah W. Gaer